Guardians Of The Planet Book: How To Be An Eco Hero - by Clive Gifford


Sale price$24.99


Encourage children to engage with environmental problems and inspire them to take care of our planet! This book will help readers gain love and appreciation for our home and all who live here. It offers information on pollution, extinction, climate change, and ways to help and feel hopeful!

  • the perfect book for Earth Day!
  • a perfect choice for kids who love nature books!
  • great homeschool material

Kids can learn how to become keepers of the coasts, friends of the forests, home heroes and much more through a mix of compelling facts, creative activities and proactive tips. Key environmental topics are clearly explained, and the easy-to-follow projects and suggestions help to put the issues in an everyday context. From recycling and composting food to reducing water waste and giving wildlife a helping hand!

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